Top German Festivals
Carneval is a traditional fair ,celebrated every year around February/March timeframe for a week with costumes,masked balls and parties. The stores are filled with costumes, everyone is getting prepared and organized for celebration.Carnival is not a national holiday in Germany but in Carnival towns like Cologne many shops, schools and offices close for the festivities.
Official season begins in November on the 11th at 11.11 o´clock (elften elften elf uhr elf). The Cologne mayor and the Kölner Dreigestirn (Cologne Triumvirate) are giving the official start and people will start celebrating all over the city
Weiberfastnacht (the Women’s Carnival) is held before Ash Wednesday and is a day for the ladies. Costumed women cut off the ties of men they encounter
Rosenmontag (Rose Monday) . The big day for Karneval is the Rose Monday parade:A huge parade takes place walking all the way through the city and many people are lined at the streets.
Aschermittwoch (Ash Wednesday) marks the end of the season.
There are many traditional carnival sessions as well as on Saturday (the so called pink or clove Saturday) where there is a traditional Ghost parade.
The official carnival ends at midnight, when the Nubbelverbrennung takes place. A Nubbel is a traditional scarecrow, which will be burned and with this symbolic fire all sins which have been done throughout the carnival season are cleared away.

October Fest
The most famous & Largest Volkfest in world is October Fest celebrated in Munich- Germany on the ground known as “Theresienwiese”, which is also know called as “Festwiese” by locals. It is celebrated around 16 to 18 days from September till October. 1st Sunday of October is special celebration with Parades, traditional food (sausage & Pretzels), Drinking German Beer, wearing traditional costumes (leather pants for men & Dirndls for Women). This celebration was started in Oct 12, 1810 in Bavarian when Crown Prince Ludwig’s Marriage to Princess Theresa von Sachesen-Hildburghausen.
Do’s in October Fest:
- Traditional dress, Leder pants & Dirndl dresses (women) are available for Purchase
- Only Cash & Vouchers are accepted in Tents
- You can dance on the benches, singing your favorite songs
- You have to drink responsible & have good time with friends & publics
- Eat sausages, pretzels & chicken.
Don’t in October Fest:
- You can’t Smoke inside the Tents
- After excessive drinking, please don’t get involved in any violence
- Be kind to Maidens’ & staffs, otherwise they can throw you away from drinking tents.
- You are not allowed to dance on Tables
- Be aware of your Belongings
Christmas (Weihnachten)
Germany Christmas starts with Advent, which starts 4 Sundays before Christmas... Advent means in Latin “Coming”. German’s celebrate by following ways,
Advents Candles
One Candle is lit at the Beginning of each week (Sunday) during Advent.
- 1st Candle Represents the Prophets in the Bible that predicted the coming of Jesus
- 2nd Candle represents the Bible
- 3rd Candle Represents Mary , the mother of Jesus
- 4th Candle Represents John the Baptist, who spread the information about Jesus and his teachings
St. Nikolaus Day( 6th of Dec)
On the evening before St.Nikolaus Day, Houses and Schools are thoroughly cleaned. Children will have their shoes and boots cleaned and left it by the door. It was believed that St Nikolaus will visit from house to house while carrying a book in his hand with the all Childrens’ deeds. If they have been good, he will fill their boots with goodies.
Christmas Market (Weihnachtsmärkte)
During the Christmas season, the whole nation is decorated in shiny bright lights and various Christmas ornaments. Stimulating the eyes of millions with the Christmas spirit that we all love and cherish. On top of that, Germany is also well known for their annual Christmas event that is celebrated in all big and small cities.
One of the most popular drinks in the Christmas Markets is warm “Gluhwein”( Mulled wine, warmed red wine with mulling spices), warming you up from the core in the cold winter of Germany. Other than that, you can also find lot of hand made products, delicious food, glass ornaments, miniature models etc. Since Christmas is an event celebrated by all ages, for the younger generations, some markets are set-up with merry-go-rounds, ice skates rinks, fireworks etc. While the adults are enjoying their Gluhwein, the kids are served with kinderpunsch, which is a nonalcoholic warm drink.
Christmas Trees
Traditionally, Christmas trees are only purchased and decorated on the “Heiligabend” which is the Eve of Christmas. Family members come together and decorate the trees together and place the presents under the tree. When the clock strike 12 midnight, presents exchange takes place. 25 of December is the Christmas day. This day is usually celebrated by meeting up with friends and family and having a feast together. Carp & Goose are traditional Christmas meal and Stollen is popular fruited bread usually had during the Christmas season. “Frohe Weihnachten” – “Happy Christmas”